Attack Of the Bag - by Craig Petty I was privileged to see Craig Petty lecture recently. He is a clever guy and his routines with this coin are a knockout – and best of all, require very little (or no!) sleight of hand. Recommended. Includes two bags with the DVD. Use any currency. £14.96
Blank - By Craig Petty Although Craig is primarily a coin man, he also showed us some very clever card work. Here is a collection of it on DVD. All designed for high impact at minimum effort. £17.99
My Precious - By Haim Goldenberg - Trick Here’s an unnusual and appealing mental trick ideal for platform or close up work. The bare bones of the plot is locating each of 4 spectator’s rings, but it is an entertaining and clever routine, which fits in the pocket easily. 1/3 off at the moment, so only £20.70
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